Saving The Planet

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"The future of humanity and indeed all life on earth depends on us."-David Attenborough.

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  •  02/06/2023 07:46 AM

  •  10/07/2020 03:23 PM

Forests are on of the very few natural eco-systems in the world. Everyone is trying to save them. Yet, twenty-seven football fields of forest are cut down each minute. Camping is not helping. Unlit fires have sparks that can catch fire on roots, and thrown away cigarettes can start a fire on branches. We need to be more careful about throwing away trash.

The Sustainable Washing Machine
To help with Water Scarcity, I have created the Sustainable Washing Machine. 
The recent bake sale has helped the Ukrainian Refugees a lot. Thanks for coming, we raised over 1000 pounds! We hope the lemonade, cookies, and banana bread was delicious. Next
bake Sale is coming, so stay tuned for more!
 I'm sure that you've heard of COP 28. COP stands for Conference Of the Parties. Which is when big leaders meet together and discuss the problems in the world. Every year they meet up somewhere different, like this year they are meeting up in Dubai (UAE). This years topic is Water Scarcity.
7 in 10 people have running water in their homes. It does not mean clean water, but it is running water from the tap. In the next few decades, all of that will change. We will soon be at Day Zero.

What is Day Zero you ask? It is when we do not have enough water to supply all the human beings on the planet. Soon, Sydney, Harare, Sao Paulo, Phoenix, Beijing, Kabul, New Delhi, Cape Town, Cairo and London will all face their own Day Zero, if nothing is to be done about it. Cape Town (South Africa) faced its near miss on Day Zero in 2018. The water was almost gone, and people had 250ml of water each day. They had to collect their water at a local station and bring that water back. But, they people of Cape town were hopeful. They pushed back Day Zero, and was more mindful of how they were using water.

However, we still conserve our water. Here is a list of stuff you need to do:
  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
  • Take a bath once a month and do showers more regularly
  • Take showers that are three minutes or under.
  • Use rainwater to water plants
  • Spread the word!

How Much Money goes to What?

How much Money We Get on What?

Liv L. Othen


Liv L. Othen is the creator of BTE. She had the idea of it while she was in Canada on holiday. She could not enjoy her holiday because of she saw all the bad things happening around her. So she thought, "I have to do something!" so, she did. With some help of her family and friends, she created this charity. She moved to London and attended an awesome school. There, she met lots of new friends, and had even more people joining her charity. Her motto is: "You are never too small to make a difference." She wants to remind everyone that if you try really hard, you will make it to the future.

Liam Othen

Executive Assistant

Liam Othen is Liv's little brother. He was the first one Liv hired when she first started it. Liam already hired five people into his department. Liam's motto is: "Live a great life and die a great death."

Andrea Lee

Head of Website/Blog

Andrea Lee is Liv L. Othen's Mom. She has really supported Liv L. Othen when she needed it the most. Andrea's motto is: "The future is ours to shape"

Talia A

Creative Department

Talia A is a kind and trustworthy person. She is a friend of Liv L. Othen while she was in Singapore. They both went to an other awesome school, and had lots and lots of fun. Her motto is: "Family isn't the people you share blood with but the people you love."

Juicy L (Yuyi L)

Creative Department

Juicy L is a kind and chatty person. She is a friend of Liv L. Othen while she was in Singapore. They both went to an other awesome school, and had lots and lots of fun. her motto is "I saw a good one. Dance is art, paint your dream and follow it"

Paul Othen

Business Development

Paul Othen is Liv L. Othen's Dad. He has really supported Liv L. Othen when she needed it the most. his motto is: "Be ready for anything"

Francisco Campos Meres

Advertisement & Sales

Francisco likes designing stuff. He does not like marshmallows. He likes space and he absolutely loves anteaters. his motto is: 'When life seems hard, there is a way around it.'

Alexandra Koes

Head of Advertisement/Money/Prep

Alexandra was born in Singapore, meeting Liv when they were two. Each of them had a dream to help and change the world. Her mother was in advertising, so she choose to do that too. She had an interest in astronomy and gymnastics. Her motto is "If you have a dream, the only thing holding you back is yourself," and she says to never give up.